Monday, June 11, 2012

Armani and the Red carpet

Armani 2012 
The classic black dress is always a hit , here we have Adele and Rhianna
in Armani. The dresses they are wearing look amazing on their bodies. 
This shows that Armani can dress any body type and a woman can still look good.

Exotic Swimwear

Dolce and Gabbana Swimwear 2012
Embellishment's are whats new this summer , this means more laying out in the
 sun and less swimming. While these swim suits may look pretty they are not practicle.
No splashing around in these 1,000$ beauties.

Prada 2012 Collection 

This collection is giving a flash back to the 50's reminding customers
 of Grease Lighting!!!! The flames are decals on the sides of Hot Rods 
and the bumper light is the same as a vintage 50's automobile. 

Burberry Prorsum 2012 Handbag Collection

 This Spring/Summer a woven technique is used to make unique designs on these lux
handbags. They have been mixed with leather and animal skin. This will translate
very well into the mainstream market but adjusting the fabric and finishes. Women 
every where will want a woven handbag. 