Thursday, April 29, 2010

Being Avant-garde, is a choice!

Irregular Choice! An avant-garde United Kingdom designer that specializes in accessories and footwear. My interests peeked when searching, viewing and gawking at the images of all these different designs that Irregular Choice had created. These designs in their footwear collections are extreme, new, original, bazar and yet appealing. The functionality of the shoes are not so everyday, however the thought of having a pair of outrageously designed heels, boots or even flats is something worth the money. And! The are not that expensive. =) Check it out, the links above, super bazar footwear, but real unique.



  1. Irregular Choice is def. a neat designer, while checking out their webpage I noticed the total absence of stiletto pin point heels which I’m pretty happy about because they are not practical. I love the look of a thick 1940’s heel on a women’s pump.
    I think Irregular Choice’s target market may be on the younger side.

    - A. Williams

  2. Those shoes were sooo innovative! I loved the funky prints and the cute little charms on the shoes. I found a great pair of heels that had a much thicker heel than you are used to seeing, and I love it because I can imagine how much more comfy those are than a pointed stiletto heel. (I added it to my favorites:)

  3. im glad you liked this brand. i love their shoes too. i have a pair that is actually a knock off of a patrick cox design. his shoe costs $350, my irregular knock off, (which is virtually a mirror of the original), cost $110!! gene d.
