Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Trench Coat

I thought this was a fun video to share with everyone. Now is the "in-between" season, meaning you don't need a heavy jacket but you don't want to leave the house without one either and it is usually pretty rainy in the spring time as well. So here to solve all your problems in the trendy trench coat. They come in a variety of styles, colors, patterns and lengths. This video shows many different people on the streets of New York and how they chose to wear them.
*to view this video just click onto the title


  1. I love the trench, but I feel like it has one huge thing missing- A HOOD! I would love for it to have one because like you said, it's a spring jacket and it rains a lot in the spring. It would be nice to actually just be able to wear the trench and not have to carry an umbrella, or sport the newspaper over the head look like shown in the slide show...I mean there is the windbreaker that also serves as a sportier look to protect against the rain, but nothing is like the classy look of the trench coat. I mean it got its name from the soldiers being in the trenches! I'm sure they would have liked a hood too!

  2. Nadia, that is an interesting thought, But I wonder if it would take away from the classic look, maybe that's why they haven't done it yet hmm! I don't know maybe that will be the next series of the trench. I did enjoy this video by the way, it made me want to run out to the stores and purchase one because I don't own one.

    Ayanna M

  3. I love a stylish trench coat on a woman. Come on its a rain coat made of heavy-duty cotton drill, wool orgabardine or maybe even leather. The coat was worn by the britsh and french soldiers during WWI. Today we have an elegant coat with clashes of colors and stiching. We took something during the early years and made it a trend. I love the look. I like a woman with a umbrella rather then a hood, way sexier.
