Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Whole Package...

Ladies and or Gents... Fashion is not al about the shirt, denim, mini-skirt or tank; you have to be or have the entire look to be known as "fabulous". To show what I mean, click on the link above. There are trends in makeup and hair as well. There is not one designer that won't agree, a runway is not complete without the entire look being cohesive, strong and appealing. Some of the trends in make-up and hair are repetitive but what makes them more interesting in the combinations of the outfit, accessories that make up that "look".

Natalie Portman: the first face you see from this link. She is stunning. But take notice to the hair how is compliments the eyes as you move down her face you see the lip color and how is accents the ruby color of her earrings. It flows, looks faltering and actually gives her a porcelain glow but with some sass.

Image 5 of 12 is J.Lo... The effortless look that you know had to take forever and was costly, but you and I at home with some Easy, Breezy & BEAUTIFUL CoverGirl can imitate this look. Add our vintage bought clutch and some 20% off gown from Lord & Taylor 3 seasons ago.

Effortless is the new trend with... maybe a little exaggeration in color here and there to spice it up a bit. Heavens for bid we all look the same. What's the fun in that?


1 comment:

  1. A_Kuhn, I totally agree with you, the hair and make-up are the completion to a fashion style but, your missing one huge element; the attitude. There is nothing like looking at an individual who is doing it from head to toe and when they walk or open their mouth, gag disaster! Sometimes they don't have to say a word you can just look at their aura and you would say things like, "she/he is not pulling that off", or "Why do she have those shoes on she can't walk in them". Those are the most treacherous things to be said about someone who tried to bring it but just couldn't pull it off. But to those who can SASHE'!
    Ayanna M
